Together we achieve what we couldn't alone.
With our solutions, you'll save time and resources, focusing on what really matters. Our virtual assistant provides intelligent and personalized answers, giving you the best experience.
Create your asistantQuick connection
with just 3 clicks.
Quick connection
Connect to different channels without wasting time
Save time
Spend more time on difficult tasks.
Save time
Save time for the heavier tasks
Fast request
The average response time is below 5 seconds.
Fast request
Faster responses, happier customers
Pay per use
Buy credits and spend only what you use.
Pay per use
No subscriptions, just pay for the credits you use
Our engine is ChatGPT.
Using artificial intelligence, we process the question to generate the response
Connect with
You can go to where the users are.
Connect with
Connect with leading e-commerce platforms, WhatsApp, and any website
Adjust to the liking and likeness of your brand.
Modify the chat modal to have the same style as your website
Free start
We offer free credits when you sign up, so you can try out the service.
Free start
We give you 50 free credits.
Easy to use
Designed to make it easy for anyone
What do you gain with Gotaan?
Better customer service.
Integrating the virtual assistant with WhatsApp, Tienda Nube, Shopify, and a website ensures that customers can receive quick and efficient answers to their inquiries through their preferred channels.
Quick responses
Users appreciate the speed of responses, which enhances their satisfaction and loyalty to the service or product.
Personalized training
A virtual assistant trained with specific information can provide more accurate and relevant answers tailored to the specific needs and contexts of the organization.
Available 24/7
Virtual assistants are available 24/7, providing immediate assistance at any time.
We decided to adopt a model where each user can purchase the exact amount of credits they need.
1 creditos = $ 10 ARS
1 credit = 1 message
How do I load credits?
Example of how to load credits on the platform.